From Shop Floor to Top floorWe're Inspiring Female Future Leaders!

Kirsten Brazier, Founder


The Sky’s No Limit – She is Anything! epic annual events were founded by BC pilot Kirsten Brazier in 2012. Brazier, an Airline Transport rated fixed-wing and helicopter pilot in both Canada & the U.S., is on a mission to share her passion for aviation and energize more females to discover the amazing opportunities available to them in Aviation, Aerospace, Marine & Defence and other high-tech STEM fields. “From shop floor to top floor, we’re inspiring future leaders!” Brazier proudly exclaims.

epic annual events

Our signature annual events in honour of past present and future female leaders in Aviation, Aerospace, Marine & Defence change lives. To date The Sky’s No Limit – She is Anything! events have made a difference for over 140,000 women & girls of all ages and cultures, and so far 13,384 women & girls experienced the magic of first flight in a helicopter for free! Events, including the introductory flights are always free to ensure there are no barriers to participation – this is thanks to the generous support of industry and community partners, without whom none of this would be possible.

Year round programs

The Achieve Anything Foundation, a federally incorporated not-for-profit, was founded in 2016 in order to develop and implement year-round projects and programs of lasting value towards inspiring female future leaders in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and STEM-based fields such as Aviation, Aerospace, Marine and Defence. To learn more, check out: